eBay Auctions
eBay is a wonderful source for parts. Auction houses can be very useful for bulk commodity type items. But be careful when buying used parts where it is hard to verify their true condition or quality. Also be careful when purchasing items where some expertise is required to determine if these are the correct parts for your application.
Unfortunately there are a few other firms using a name very similar to ours that are selling items on eBay. If you bought an item on eBay and were not satisfied, please try to contact the seller by using the "contact seller" feature at eBay. If you are not able to resolve your issues through this method, protest through PayPal if possible.
Though the names may be similar, we can assure you that it was not us that you purchased parts from.
The advice that we can offer is this:
- Check out the sellers reputation. If they only have 95% positive feedback this means that 1 out of 20 people were not happy with their transaction. Do you want to take that chance? Look over the negative feedback, it will give you a feel for if the issues were valid or something you could accept in your transaction.
- Read the entire listing several times, be aware of items like shipping and handling which can be very high. In fact some some bulk sellers sell an item at cost and make their profit solely from the high shipping and handling that many buyers don't pay attention to.
- Consider using PayPal where there is a system in place to possibly protest a purchase and get a refund.